RIP Stephen Sondheim
For the first fifty or so years of my life I somehow managed to avoid knowing anything about Stephen Sondheim. Probably because I have an almost pathological dislike of musicals -- so if I'd heard anything about him at all, I'm afraid to say he would just have got lumped into the waste-basket of slushy, mawkish and soppy-ending trash that, based first on painful childhood experience and then on adult preference, I generally associate with the genre. Things changed when I found myself making a travel documentary one day with Amon Miyamoto, Japan's premier musical director. "Found myself" because it wasn't planned -- I'd been asked to set up and coordinate a shoot in the UK without knowing until the last minute who the presenter was going to be. So it was quite a shock when I found out who he was and what he did. But despite my initial concern that we might not hit it off too well, we got on like a house on fire: I still remember that week as one of the hig...